Huntington Park Warner Theatre
Latest News – 1st January 2021
In July 2019 LAHTF reported that the Huntington Park Warner was for sale. The situation has not changed as of the start of 2021. Click here for further details (click here for the offering memo PDF).
After less than a year in operation as a Blink Fitness location, the owners put the theatre on the market for $12 million, including the 20 year lease. LAHTF will continue to monitor the situation.
Update – October 2018
Blink Fitness has now opened as the anchor tenant of the converted Huntington Park Warner Theatre, with a number of Art Deco elements preserved on-view as patrons work out.
A level floor was added for this adaptive reuse, but the floor was built so it could be removed in the future if the Warner is returned to theatrical use.
Update – October 2015
The Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation (LAHTF) has worked with members of the HP community, the City of Huntington Park and the Warner Theatre owners to locate a theatre operator or funding source that would bring this magnificent theatre back to its original use.
Unfortunately, after a year of work, nothing could be secured in time. Over our strong objections, the City Planning Commission approved the project the owners submitted.
LAHTF did, however, secure additional protections for the theatre. These additional protections include storing the seats that will be removed on site, and making sure the original painted details are preserved. We also asked that any historic elements removed must be documented in place first and stored safely on site for the future.
The project that was approved is for one store to occupy the main auditorium. The theatre is not to be divided at all. The rumor that up to 6 stores will occupy the space is completely unfounded. There are existing storefronts that are part of the structure and those may very well have separate businesses.
A demolition permit for portions of the theatre interior has been issued. LAHTF is in close contact with the owners and will continue to monitor the project. However, it is important for Huntington Park residents to also stay on top of the work. If residents have questions, they should contact the City Planning Department, 323-584-6210.
About the Huntington Park Warner

The Warner Huntington Park is the sister theatre to the Warner Beverly Hills and the Warner Grand in San Pedro. Renowned theatre architect B. Marcus Priteca designed the three theatres, which are all of a similar size, under a single contract with Warner Bros. Whereas the Warner Grand in San Pedro is activated as an arts venue owned by the City of Los Angeles, the Warner Beverly Hills was demolished in the 1980s. Priteca’s other notable works in Los Angeles include the Hollywood Pantages and the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills.
In the 1980s Pacific Theatres redeveloped the theatre into a two-screen “twin”, renaming it Pacific’s Warner 2. Many Spanish and Spanish-subtitled films ran at the theatre, supporting the local community well.
In the 1990s the theatre was closed and remained vacant. In 2013 it was sold to Pacific Blvd. Holdings / Retail Management Corp.
Further Reading
Los Angeles Theatres:
Cinema Treasures:
After The Final Curtain (photo-set):
Cinema Tour: